
Pitch Us

As a student-led journal of the engaged and public humanities, Interspaces is deeply interested in work and writing that practices promiscuous border-crossing and blurs disciplinary lines in service of our...


Critical Relaxation Studies

This semester, having been given a blank check to write about anything I wanted to in the context of the humanities, I’ve taken on the...

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Who Are We Protecting? Conflicts of the Choice Debate

Before I explore the cultural differences and similarities that define the abortion choice debate, have you read this short story, “The Ones Who Walk Away...

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Critical Relaxation Studies

This semester, having been given a blank check to write about anything I wanted to in the context of the humanities, I’ve taken on the...

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Who Are We Protecting? Conflicts of the Choice Debate

Before I explore the cultural differences and similarities that define the abortion choice debate, have you read this short story, “The Ones Who Walk Away...

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So You Tried a New Hobby in Lockdown—Now What?

I was lucky enough not to get COVID until April 2022. When it finally caught up with me, I spent my quarantine lying in bed...

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I frantically sketched the tilt of her shoulders and the contrary angle of her hips, charcoal dust settling on the toes of my sneakers. Lily...

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After the Deadwood: Exploring Redemption and Damnation through Dungeons and Dragons

One night in the winter of 2017, I did the worst thing I’ve ever done. Over winter break, I had gotten together with some of...

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To the Collector Go the Spoils: We Need to Change the Way We Credit Museum Donors and Donorship

Mary Lee Bendolph, Blocks and Strips, 2002, wool, cotton, corduroy, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Patrons’ Permanent Fund and Gift of the Souls Grown Deep...

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Clearing the Dungeon: Telling New Stories with Old Tools in Dungeons and Dragons

Years of playing Dungeons and Dragons has taught me a very simple lesson about creativity: good work is original, great work is theft. Sure, we...

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Art Alongside Anatomy: How Integrating Visual Art into Medical Education Makes Better Physicians

We would all be better off if medical students spent more time in art galleries and studios. Evidence and anecdotes make clear an urgent need...

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The Wax Room and Its Watchers

“Control? Code 3 – Wax Room.”  Code 3 is code for an artwork emergency. Wax Room is a closet-sized room lined with about 400 lbs....

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